JavaScript Binary Expression Tree
I am working on a personal project that requires a JavaScript expression evaluation engine, so I started by designing class that would evaluate mathematical expressions off of which I could build. The first step takes the user supplied string and parses it into an array of operands and operators, which has a performance of O(n) for the number of characters. Next, the array is turned into a binary tree, which has a performance of O(n) for the number of operands and operators. The binary tree is balanced based upon the weights of the operators in order to get the correct order of operations, which has a performance of O(log n). Finally, the expression that the tree represents can be evaluated and that performs in O(log n).
Most of the code is shown after the jump.
* JavaScript Binary Expression Tree
* @author Christopher Stoll
* @copyright Christopher Stoll 2010
* @version 1.0
* 2010-10-10
* This is a node data type
* @constructor
* @param {string} pVal The value the node holds
* @param {node} pLeft The left child node
* @param {node} pRight The right child node
* @param {bool} pParend The node is in parentheses
function node(pVal, pLeft, pRight, pParend) {
this.val = pVal || 0;
this.left = pLeft || 0;
this.right = pRight || 0;
this.weight = this.weigh(this.val);
this.isparend = pParend || false;
* This is the order of operations scale
* (parenthese would score 1 and operands 0)
node.prototype.scale = {
'-': 4,
'+': 4,
'/': 3,
'*': 3,
'^': 2
* Calculates node weight
* (based upon order of operations scale)
* @this {node}
* @param {string} pVal The node value
* @returns {numeric} The weight type
node.prototype.weigh = function(pVal){
var result = 0;
result = this.scale[pVal];
return result;
* Set the node value
* (triggers weight recalculation)
* @this {node}
* @param {string} pVal The new node value
node.prototype.setVal = function(pVal){
this.val = pVal;
this.weight = this.weigh(this.val);
* Set this node as parenthesized
* @this {node}
node.prototype.setParend = function(pVal){
this.isparend = true;
this.isparend = false;
* This is a binary expression tree class (object)
* @constructor
* @param {string} pVal The string to be evaluated
function binetree(pExpr) {
this._is_expr = true;
this._ignored = '.,';
this._operators = '()^*xX/+-';
this.expr = pExpr || '';
this.exprArray = new Array();
this.result = 0;
// if we have an expression build a tree
this._tree = this.buildtree(this.exprArray);
// if we have a tree calculate a value
this._tree = this.balance(this._tree);
// if we have a tree calculate a value
this.result = this.evaluate(this._tree);
* Parse the string expresion into an
* array of operators and operands
* @this {binetree}
binetree.prototype.parse = function(){
var tmp_txt = '',
tmp_tmp_txt = '',
tmp_expr = new Array(),
tmp_was_operator = false;
// build array of operands and operators
// process expression character by character
for(i=0; i<this.expr.length; i++){
tmp_txt = this.expr.substring(i, i+1);
// ignore spaces
if((tmp_txt != ' ') && (tmp_txt != ' ')){
// this character is an operator
if(this._operators.indexOf(tmp_txt) >= 0){
// replace the multiplication symbols
if((tmp_txt == 'x') || (tmp_txt == 'X')){
tmp_txt = '*';
// the last pass was not for an operator
// this is not the first pass
if(tmp_expr.length > 0){
// store the operator
tmp_was_operator = true;
// this is the first pass
// it is not negation
if(tmp_txt != '-'){
// store the operator
tmp_was_operator = true;
// it is negation
// store the operand (negation of)
tmp_was_operator = false;
// two operators in a row
// it is negation
if(tmp_txt == '-'){
// store the operand (negation of)
tmp_was_operator = false;
// store the operator
tmp_was_operator = true;
// this character is an operand
// is this operand a non-number
// can we saefly ignore this character
if(this._ignored.indexOf(tmp_txt) < 0){
// TODO remove this debug info
alert('crap: "'+tmp_txt+'"');
// just quit now
this._is_expr = false;
// strip out any commas
if(tmp_txt != ','){
// last pass was an operator
// store the operand
tmp_was_operator = false;
// last pass was an operand (this is a continuation)
// this is not the first pass
if(tmp_expr.length > 0){
// get the last operand
tmp_tmp_txt = tmp_expr.pop();
// append this portion
tmp_tmp_txt += tmp_txt;
// store the operand
tmp_was_operator = false;
// this is the first pass
// store the operand
tmp_was_operator = false;
this.exprArray = tmp_expr;
* Build an expression treee from expresion array
* @this {binetree}
* @param {string} pExprAry The expression array
* @returns {node} The resulting tree
binetree.prototype.buildtree = function(pExprAry){
var tmp_expr = pExprAry || new Array(),
i = 0,
tmp_txt = '',
tmp_operand_stack = new Array(),
tmp_operator_stack = new Array(),
tmp_nobj = new node();
// process each term in the expression
for(i=0; i<tmp_expr.length; i++){
tmp_txt = tmp_expr[i];
// this is not a parentheses
if((tmp_txt != '(') && (tmp_txt != ')')){
// this is an operator
if(this._operators.indexOf(tmp_txt) >= 0){
// add the operator to the operator stack
// this is an operand
// create a node and add it to the operand stack (leaf node)
tmp_operand_stack.push(new node(tmp_txt));
// this is a parentheses
// we are entering a parentheses
if(tmp_txt == '('){
// start a recursion into the parentheses
tmp_nobj = this.buildtree(tmp_expr.slice(i+1, tmp_expr.length));
// go forward in the loop
i = i + tmp_nobj.loop + 1;
// mark the node as in parentheses
// save the nodes from inside the parentheses
// we are leaving a parentheses
}else if(tmp_txt == ')'){
// return from recusion into parentheses
return {'loop':i, 'node':tmp_operand_stack.pop()};
// there is an operator to work with
if(tmp_operator_stack.length >= 1){
// there are two opaerand waiting
if(tmp_operand_stack.length >= 2){
tmp_node_r = tmp_operand_stack.pop();
tmp_node_l = tmp_operand_stack.pop();
tmp_operator = tmp_operator_stack.pop();
// create a node and add it to the operand stack (internal node)
tmp_operand_stack.push(new node(tmp_operator, tmp_node_l, tmp_node_r));
return tmp_operand_stack.pop();
* Balance an expression tree
* @this {binetree}
* @param {node} pNode The starting tree
* @returns {node} The resulting, balanced tree
binetree.prototype.balance = function(pNode){
if(typeof pNode != 'undefined'){
// if there is a left and right node
if(pNode.left && pNode.right){
// only reorder if they are not in parentheses
if(!pNode.left.isparend && !pNode.isparend){
//lower weight, higher order of precedence, lower in tree
if(pNode.weight < pNode.left.weight){
var tmp_node_val = '',
tmp_node_r = new node(),
tmp_node_l = new node();
tmp_node_val = pNode.left.val;
tmp_node_l = pNode.left.left;
tmp_node_r = new node(pNode.val, pNode.left.right, pNode.right);
pNode.left = tmp_node_l;
pNode.right = tmp_node_r;
// keep moving left and balancing
// we don't need it here
return pNode;
* Evalute the expression tree
* @this {binetree}
* @param {node} pNode The tree to evaluate
* @returns {numeric} The result of the expression
binetree.prototype.evaluate = function(pNode){
if(typeof pNode != 'undefined'){
// if there is a left and right node
if(pNode.left && pNode.right){
var tLeftVal = 0,
tRightVal = 0;
// process the left node
tLeftVal = this.evaluate(pNode.left);
// process the right node
tRightVal = this.evaluate(pNode.right);
//return the results for this node
if(pNode.val != '^'){
return eval(tLeftVal + pNode.val + tRightVal);
if(pNode.val == '^'){
return Math.pow(tLeftVal, tRightVal);
// this is the left leaf
// return node value
return pNode.val;
return Number.NaN;