Despite its name, many programmers have never heard of dynamic programming. In all fairness, it is not really programming in that sense of the word, rather it is a mathematical method for dividing problems into smaller subproblems and then combing those parts to form an optimal solution. The “programming” portion of “dynamic programming” probably shares more in common with “television programming,” since they both involve using tables to organize data. The technique is taught in advanced computer science classes, so computer scientists and software engineers should be familiar with the technique.
Dynamic programming is a general technique which involves four basic steps: determine the structure of an optimal solution; recursively define values of the optimal solution; compute the optimal solution; and, if you need to know the optimal path in addition to the computed optimal solution value, construct the value formed by the path. The code on this page shows all of these parts, so it may help in understanding the technique.
I have read articles which explain complicated methods for doing fuzzy string matching that could possibly be replaced by dynamic programming techniques. Dynamic programming certainly brings its own overhead, so it would be interesting to perform empirical analysis on both techniques and compare the results. Since I presently lack the time to perform such an analysis, I decided to share a small, rough example that I created in JavaScript for doing string matching with a dynamic programming algorithm. The code below is essentially a simplified implementation of A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching, which was published in the IEEE by Top, Dowla, and Gansemer.
Here is one example of how to use the code. This example uses searchValueA and searchValueB to generate an html table which shows how the dynamic programming matrix should look.
nm = new nameMatch(searchValueA, true, '#html_div_result');
And, here is the JavaScript class/object (continued on the next page):
* A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching
* Top, P.; Dowla, F.; Gansemer, J.;
* Sch. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN
* Variation in JavaScript
* Copyright © 2011, Christopher Stoll
* @author Christopher Stoll
* @constructor
* @param {String} [pNameSource=''] The source name, the name of interest
* @param {Boolean} [pDebug=false] The instance is in debugging mode
* @param {String} [pDebugOutputArea=''] Where to put debuging output
function nameMatch(pNameSource, pDebug, pDebugOutputArea){
var tNameSource = pNameSource || '';
if(tNameSource.indexOf(',') > 0){
var tIndex = tNameSource.indexOf(','),
tFirst = tNameSource.slice(tIndex+1),
tLast = tNameSource.slice(0, tIndex);
tNameSource = tFirst + ' ' + tLast;
tNameSource = tNameSource.toLowerCase();
tNameSource = tNameSource.replace(/[.'"]/ig, ' ');
tNameSource = tNameSource.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
// debug variables
this.DEBUG = pDebug || false;
this.DEBUG_AREA = pDebugOutputArea;
// y axis in matrix, the name in question
this.nameSource = tNameSource;
this.nameSourceLength = this.nameSource.length + 1;
this.nameSourceScore = 0;
nameMatch.prototype = {
* Reset class variables
* @private
_reset: function(pNameTarget){
var tNameTarget = pNameTarget || '';
tNameTarget = tNameTarget.toLowerCase();
tNameTarget = tNameTarget.replace(/[.,'"]/ig, '');
tNameTarget = tNameTarget.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
// x axis in matrix, the name to check against
this.nameTarget = tNameTarget;
this.nameTargetLength = this.nameTarget.length + 1;
this.nameTargetScore = 0;
// DV, the dunamic programming matrix
this.dynamicMatrix = [];
// Max value in the matrix
this.maxMatrixValue = 0;
// the score for the string
this.overallScore = 0;
// weighted average of string and tokens
this.finalScore = 0;
* CM, character mismatch lookup,
* Abreviated 2D array for hex values
* @static
* @field
characterMatrix: [
'a0004000000000400000000000', // a
'0a000000000000000000000000', // b
'00a00000004000002000000000', // c
'000a0000000000000002000000', // d
'4000a000000000000000000020', // e
'00000a00000000020000020000', // f
'000000a0000000000000000000', // g
'0000000a040000000000000000', // h
'00000000a20400000000000020', // i
'000000042a0000000000000040', // j
'0040000000a000002000000000', // k
'00000000400a00000000000000', // l
'000000000000a4000000000000', // m
'0000000000004a000000000000', // n
'40000000000000a00000000000', // o
'000002000000000a0000000000', // p
'0020000000200000a000000000', // q
'00000000000000000a00000000', // r
'000000000000000000a0000000', // s
'0002000000000000000a000000', // t
'00000000000000000000a00000', // u
'000002000000000000000a4000', // v
'0000000000000000000004a000', // w
'00000000000000000000000a00', // x
'000020002400000000000000a0', // y
'0000000000000000002000000a', // z
'00000000000000400000000000', // 0
'00000000400400000000000000', // 1
'00000000000000000100000002', // 2
'00002000000000000000000001', // 3
'20000002000000000000000000', // 4
'00000000000000000020000000', // 5
'01000010000000000000000000', // 6
'00000000100100000002000000', // 7
'01000000000000000000000000', // 8
'00000020000000000000000000' // 9
* Dictionary to speed lookups in the character matrix
* @static
* @field
charMatrixDictionary: {
a: 0,
b: 1,
c: 2,
d: 3,
e: 4,
f: 5,
g: 6,
h: 7,
i: 8,
j: 9,
k: 10,
l: 11,
m: 12,
n: 13,
o: 14,
p: 15,
q: 16,
r: 17,
s: 18,
t: 19,
u: 20,
v: 21,
w: 22,
x: 23,
y: 24,
z: 25,
0: 26,
1: 27,
2: 28,
3: 29,
4: 30,
5: 31,
6: 32,
7: 33,
8: 34,
9: 35
* Return a matching score for two characters
* @private
* @param {String} pCharA The first character to test
* @param {String} pCharB The second character to test
* @returns {Number} Score for the current characters
_characterScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){
var matchScore = 1,
mismatchScore = 0,
mismatchPenalty = -.4,
charIndexA = 0,
charIndexB = 0,
refValue = 0;
if(pCharA && pCharB){
if(pCharA == pCharB){
return matchScore;
charIndexA = this.charMatrixDictionary[pCharA];
charIndexB = this.charMatrixDictionary[pCharB];
if(charIndexA && charIndexB){
mismatchScore = this.characterMatrix[charIndexA][charIndexB]
refValue = parseInt(mismatchScore, 16) / 10;
return refValue;
return mismatchPenalty;
return mismatchPenalty;
return mismatchPenalty;
* Return a score for string gaps
* @private
* @param {String} pCharA The first character to test
* @param {String} pCharB The second character to test
* @returns {Number} Score for the current characters
_gappedScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){
var gapPenalty = -.3,
mismatchPenalty = -.4;
if((pCharA == ' ') || (pCharB == ' ')){
return gapPenalty;
return mismatchPenalty;
* Return a score for transposed strings
* @private
* @param {String} pCharA The first character to test
* @param {String} pCharB The second character to test
* @returns {Number} Score for the current characters
_transposedScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){
var transposePenalty = -.2;
return transposePenalty;
* Build the dynamic programming matrix for the two current strings
* @private
_buildMatrix: function(){
var tmpArray = [],
tCharA = '',
tCharB = '';
// fill DV, the dynamic programming matrix, with zeros
for(var ix=0; ix<this.nameTargetLength; ix++){
for(var iy=0; iy<this.nameSourceLength; iy++){
// calculate the actual values for DV
for(var iy=1; iy<this.nameSourceLength; iy++){
for(var ix=1; ix<this.nameTargetLength; ix++){
tCharA = this.nameSource[iy-1];
tCharB = this.nameTarget[ix-1];
this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] = Math.max(
this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] + this._characterScore(tCharA, tCharB),
this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix] + this._gappedScore(tCharA, tCharB),
this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1] + this._gappedScore(tCharA, tCharB)
if((this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix] > this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1]) &&
(this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1] > this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1])){
this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] = Math.max(
this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] = Math.max(
this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] + this._transposedScore(tCharA, tCharB),
* Backtrack through the matrix to find the best path
* @private
_backtrack: function(){
var tmaxi = 0,
maxix = 0;
// find the intial local max
for(var ix=this.nameTargetLength-1; ix>0; ix--){
if(this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix] > tmaxi){
tmaxi = this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix];
maxix = ix;
// break out of loop if we have reached zeros after non zeros
if((tmaxi > 0) && (this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix+1] == 0)){
if(tmaxi <= 0){
return false;
var ix = maxix,
iy = this.nameSourceLength-1,
ixLast = 0,
iyLast = 0,
diagonal = 0,
above = 0,
left = 0;
// TODO: replace with better algo or refactor
while((iy>0) && (ix>0)){
// store max value
if(this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] > this.maxMatrixValue){
this.maxMatrixValue = this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix];
// calculate values for possible paths
diagonal = this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1];
above = this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1];
left = this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix];
// choose next path
if((diagonal>=above) && (diagonal>=left)){
}else if((above>=diagonal) && (above>=left)){
}else if((left>=diagonal) && (left>=above)){
// end while if we have all zeros
if((diagonal == 0) && (above == 0) && (left == 0)){
iy = 0;
ix = 0;
return true;
* Calculate the final match score for this pair of names
* @private
_finalMatchScore: function(pStringScores, pStringWeights){
var averageNameLength = (this.nameSourceLength + this.nameTargetLength) / 2
this.overallScore = (2 * this.maxMatrixValue) / averageNameLength;
this.finalScore = this.overallScore * 10;
* Public method to perform a search
* @param {String} pNameTarget The target to compare the source with
* @returns The match score of the two strings
score: function(pNameTarget){
return this.finalScore;